Sunday, January 16, 2011

Horse are never meant to be still

Idea from a long long time ago:

I always think that when you truly complete a piece of art, you had just commit murder on something,
something much,much more...

We were studying Renaissance's Equestrian Statue in art history class. Of course, our study puts more emphasis on the struggle of sculptors to keep the horses at same time flying and "rooted to earth"... glorious fighters, riding to battles under the command of triumphant heroes.

Nevertheless, what I remember the most is Leonardo's uncompleted horse sketches and this story of a sculptor who destroyed his own most accomplished horse statue and then himself, because he could not surpass the "absolute perfection".
Leonardo da Vinci His Life, Art and Invention

study of horse and rider

Random Thoughts:

Just thinking that it will be a good idea of start writing something in the middle of the page and then filling the blank ...wherever they look most fitting.

Per example, the TITLE of a new post.

Note to self:
Blogger looks more likable when you STOP TWISTING HTML and worry about the final appearance of every single, simple new post.
Really, did you forgot that you just jump from pictures to pictures to video in most of blogs you really like.
then again, most of them are "tumbler", but try to tune down your OCD a bit

1 comment:

C.C楚楚 said...

Seriously, going through history nameless and without life, while those who lingers and persists, however unsuccessful and frustrated on occasion, are remembered.