Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prophet's Mosque ....

the prophet's Mosque in Medina
Originally uploaded by MadinahVision.com

drawing from memory 

                           There was a "Islamic Civilization" class before my probability course, a night view photograph of the mosque was on Powerpoint display.
                          Totally miss the architecture design, but it was fun.

Random Thought on AI:  in hw1.q2, breadth-first search the maze will number the square in a layer by layer manner (basically kilikala~~ everywhere): imagining a little robot traveling in the maze in such manner and saying to itself: DID I NOT JUST COME BY THIS WAY! Ed agrees. 

random thought on C++: no wonder I use to get so many segmentation fault, that is what you get when you play with "fire" (null pointers).

Note to self: stop OCD yourself over missing slides of system class, just read the damn K map and jump into most recent readings of AI. catch up the slides of optimization and early readings later.


നൗഷാദ് അകമ്പാടം said...

nice drawing..
thanks for use my photo with credit.

C.C楚楚 said...

thank for the awesome photo !!!