Wednesday, June 23, 2010

UPDATE.... 3 weeks countdown until the day I jump into this mess of blogger design

Summer!!!! ok, it is pretty late for me to say that I am (relatively )super happy that summer is here and that insane finals are finished, but still, now is a new chapter of my life.

this is what I have been recently working on beside the graphic novel and the bsheet 3d design python program which I am also spending my time, "killing myself over"(very happily).

the drawing's idea starts with me appreciating the first frost hosta in my neighbor's garden.Really, it is a beautiful plant which photo I will update later...  now, the drawing depicts my idea of spring (god, it was such short season in Montreal), the mother nature who in my drawing is actually a girl because I imagine her to be pretty young, being "reborn" over and over again each year. Once again, she(MN) open her eyes to a world born anew, letting the bind of snow fall from her sight(it is going to be a red bandanna and I don't know why yet it still represent snow...not going to psychoanalyze myself right now ).Since it is through the melting of snow that new life emerges, there will be this stream of water letting out from her dress( a white dress... again representing snow) and leading to a red fish. Personally, I chose fish because I like fish and there is this DAM** pool of at lest hundred of huge,fatty red goldfishes around where I live. it is really addicting, staring at it when they all come at you for a piece of bread... but really, I think red fish go well with April Fou.... 

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